In Omont, a small village in the Champagne Ardennes (northern France), you can find the unique 'MON JARDIN'. Here you can admire hundreds of sculptures and installations in two art gardens and along the bank of a lake. Everything is made by the 74-year-old Dutch artist Sam with the help of her husband Hans. Sam names the art garden 'Mon Jardin'. But it's more than that. It's her life, her memories, fears and dreams. Since 2010, their daily lives are dominated by building this life work.
This website is here to unlock this special place for anyone interested. It is an invitation to come along. To see her 'life in images' in all glory. If you want to visit 'Mon jardin', the 'Champavoy' or the lake, take a look at the route and opening times in 'contact'.

"My work is my life, my life is my work. I want to tell stories about what captivates me, what touches me, what fascinates me, what I see and feel ... and then it's time it has to be told."